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Reggie RevolutionThe new EGM features an interview with Reggie, what follows is a snippet of it:

EGM: When Nintendo first showed the controller, it said there were other functions it wasn’t talking about yet. Might those include a digital camera and microphone?

Reggie Fils-Aime: As much as I think [Nintendo President Mr. Satoru] Iwata likes me, if I shared that with you I probably wouldn’t be here. [Laughs] You know, here are the facts: Come [this May], we’ll disclose a lot more. After [that], we’ll disclose even more… There are certainly elements to everything we’re doing about Revolution—I’m talking beyond the controller, the virtual console, all the different elements...

While this really isn’t actually much of a hint, Reggie’s getting us excited about the Revolution all over again. Whatever Nintendo’s hiding, it’s going to be big.

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Revolution Controller Revolution Advanced has put together an extremely comprehensive feature on the history - or rather evolution - of video game controllers. The article spans from the Atari 2600 controller all the way to the Nintendo Revolution remote control. It’s almost hard to believe how far controllers have come since the industry’s inception - but then again, technology has really advanced over the years. On second though, the controller featured at the bottom of the list, the Revolution controller, is arguably one of the simplest controllers ever made. Thoughts?

Read More | Revolution Advanced

DescriptionYou know something’s going to be big when Wal-Mart gets involved. The Bentonville, Arkansas-based retailer has posted seperate Revolution and PlayStation 3 pages on its website. Neither page has any new details or specific talk of release dates, but it’s still good to see hype being built. The site simply says to check back soon for release date info.

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Nintendo Revolution

Confirmed: Nintendo’s Revolution will launch for less than $299. Satoru Iwata stated in an interview on Yahoo that the revolution will definitely sell less than its cheapest competitor, the Xbox 360 Core unit. This is very interesting since more gamers and non-gamers alike would be less hesitant to fork over their hard earned money when they won’t need to fork over their plastic cards instead. Let’s just hope they don’t try to stiff us with the game prices.

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Sonic HedgehogOn Monday, Nintendo hosted a Mario Kart DS meet-up in Bellevue, WA - close to Nintendo’s American HQ. Reggie was present at the meet-up and briefly mentioned that SEGA is intrigued by the Revolution’s backwards compatibility. While he didn’t confirm anything more than that, we’re only left wondering the full implications of what he said.

From the sound of it, we could be seeing a few old SEGA games on Nintendo’s Revolution. Can we expect Genesis games? How about Saturn and Dreamcast titles? And will the games from those consoles only be SEGA titles or can we expect old third-party games as well? Just thinking about all of this makes us anticipate Revolution that much more. But for now, we’re just fine with Xbox Live Arcade.

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2005 Hardware Review Xbox 360

Next Generation published an article earlier today that does a good job summarizing what the big three have been up to this year regarding hardware. The article mentions everything from PS2’s $149 fixed price to the Xbox 360’s launch shortages. And naturally, the article also includes talk of Nintendo’s Revolution controller.

While the article doesn’t feature any new content, it’s certainly interesting to look back and see what Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft were up to this year. Reading about what unfolded at this year’s E3 does bring back some fond memories but in all honesty, it just makes us anticipate E3 ‘06 that much more.

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Nintendo RevolutionAccording to IGN, Nintendo’s Revolution is set to release “during the week of Thanksgiving 2006” in America. While Nintendo remains silent regarding an official release date for its upcoming console, several anonymous developers have leaked the mentioned date that Nintendo divulged to them. While this news may not be extremely shocking, considering that Nintendo is widely known for delaying its products (see Twilight Princess,) it confirms that the Xbox 360, and possibly the PS3, will have been released considerably earlier.

Will a Thanksgiving 2006 launch be a huge setback to Nintendo? The Revolution will arguably represent a fundamental change to the industry with it’s unique controller, but is a another year of waiting just too much? Or could the Revolution turn out to be next Christmas’ Tickle Me Elmo, as the Xbox 360 is turning out to be this year?

The next year will certainly be an exciting one - with a huge E3 in May - so be sure to stay tuned. In the meantime, brace yourselves for the next-gen console war, it’s going to be brutal.

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Revolution ControllerFor all the naysayers out there, it appears that those who have gotten to see the Nintendo Revolution controller up close walk away impressed. Take Time Magazine for example, who call the controller “mind blowing,” in an article looking at the coolest things out there. The article was based on mass-market appeal, and Time believes that the Revolution controller is something that anyone will be able to pick up, understand, and use easily. Sounds like what Nintendo was going for.

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We must make this clear right off the bat - we are stunned, amazed, and proud that the term “Nintendo Revolution” was one of the top 15 gaining queries on Google for the week ending September 19, 2005. In fact, more people searched for Nintendo Revolution than they did for Hurricane Rita, Harry Potter, Survivor Guatemala, PS3, and Xbox 360. In case you haven’t noticed, with their announcement of the Revolution controller, Nintendo just made themselves the talk of the gaming town. Here are the top 5 queries, according to Google:

1. kenny chesney
2. kate moss
3. britney spears baby
4. nintendo revolution
5. hurricane rita

Read More | Google Zeitgeist

Nintendo Revolution Controller

Okay, so Nintendo filled the world in on what seems like the biggest secret in the history of the game industry. The Revolution controller is already sparking debate the world over - the least we could do is show the thing to you in all its glory. I must say, it certainly is a conversation piece. Check out tons of images after the jump.

Click to continue reading Tons of Nintendo Revolution “Remote” Controller Images

