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$8.96 Video Game Clearance At Circuit City
Posted by Josh Smith Categories: Hot Deals, Nintendo, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Gamecube, PlayStation 2, PSP, Xbox,
Demolition Man, on the Cheap Ass Gamer forum was able to pull together a list of Xbox, Gamecube, PSP, DS, Gameboy Advance, and PS2 titles included in the newest $8.96 clearance sale at Circuit City. While the sale does not officially start until Sunday July 2nd many people are reporting success picking up games on the list at clearance price. If your local store doesn’t have the clearance games on the shelf don’t yet despair. Some of the Circuit City locations including my local stores have already pulled the clearance games, and are holding them in the back until Sunday.
Burnout Revenge
Far Cry Instincts
Halo Triple Pack
Batman Begins
Chaos Theory
Dragonball Z Sagas
EA Sports Fight Night Round 2
Need For Speed Underground Rivals
Spiderman 2
Tiger Woods PGA
Tony Hawk Underground 2 Remix
World Soccer Tour
Nintendo DS:
Advance Wars
Burnout Legends
Star Wars Episode 3 Revenge Of The Sith
Texas Hold Em
Tiger Woods 2005
Gameboy Advance:
Grand Theft Auto
Madden 2006
Mario Golf: Advance Tours
Mario Kart Super Circuit
Mario Party Advance
Playstation 2:
Driver Parallel Lines
Eye Toy
Time Crisis: Crisis Zone
Time Splitters
Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland Collector’s Edition
Head over to the Cheap Ass Gamer forums for the full list which includes many more games.
Read More | Cheap Ass Gamer

After all the waiting, the first shipment of the Undiluted Platinum mod chip has started to hit stores. Those located in the United States can get the chip at this point from, who has confirmed stock. The chip runs for $99.95, and one can opt for professional installation for an additional $99.95.
The Undiluted Platinum offers dual firmware slots on the board, making it a perfect match for the Epsilon BIOS, and is simple to operate. Users can hold the L1 button during boot to get access to the original BIOS, allowing for unmodified use if need be, and a path to recover from an accidentally “bricked” PSP. The Undiluted Platinum firmware can be updated via USB connection. The modification includes roughly 30 solder points, so is probably not a good first project for an inexperienced modder.
Read More | ModChipStore
Genesis Games For PSP Available this November
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: PSP, Release Dates, Retro,
Genesis fans rejoice! Not only will you be able to play all the classic Genesis games on your Wii, but you’ll be able to take the retro lovin’ with you as well. SEGA has announced that a variety of titles, including faves such as Altered Beast, Phantasy Star, and Golden Axe will be making their way to the PSP this November. The UMD will include about 28 games, 3 of which have to be unlocked. A full list isn’t available yet, but we’ll be expecting one closer to launch time. Price, also, is unknown as of this time.
Unless you can sync all of the Genesis games you purchase via Virtual Console from your Wii to your DS, this will be one of the only ways to play Genesis classics on-the-go. (excluding buying a GP2X and finding some old roms of course!). It sounds like a great deal for us retro fans.
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Epsilon BIOS and Undiluted Platinum Mod Demo Video
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Mods/Hacks, PSP, has a pointer to a video supposedly demonstrating the new Epsilon BIOS for the PSP, as used with the new Undiluted Platinum. The video link was stuck in the comments on a post about the new packaging for the modchip itself. The mod shows a PSP, with all the features of the 2.71 firmware, booting backup ISOs from the memory card for LocoRoco and Me & My Katamari as well as a home-brew application. The video ends with the a shot of the empty PSP UMD slot, showing that all the games were run off the memory stick. The video, assuming it is accurate, shows an Undiluted Platinum modchip that is clearly nearing release.
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New Ace Combat X PSP Screenshots
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: PSP, Screenshots, Simulation,

GameWatch Japan has a new preview of Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception for the PSP. The PSP continuation of the fighter jet series is scheduled to hit Japan in Fall 2006, and the new screenshots look exceptional for a PSP game. As previously announced, the game will support multi-player combat utilizing ad hoc wireless networking. GameWatch has new screens of the multi-player interface. The screen-shots show off six possible base multi-player modes, with a “random” setting for quick play. Drilling down into the game modes shows a large set of configurable options for each basic online play mode, so the PSP should provide a large selection of battle types. Furthermore, it looks like a combination of 4 live players and 4 AI bots can be combined into two teams for battle, and plane type and ammunition payloads can be configured individually as well.
The fictional plane XFA-27, featured in Ace Combat 2, will make its appearance in the PSP release, and it will be joined by another Namco creation, the XFA-24A Apalis. Real-life planes shown in the preview include the Su-27 Flanker, the Eurofighter Typhoon , the F-5E Tiger II, and the Mitsubishi F-1.
With the large selection of planes, the abundance of multi-player modes (though sadly, infrastructure mode support has not been announced), and great graphical detail, this looks to be a worthy addition to the Ace Combat franchise.
Read More | GameWatch Japan
Tomb Raider: Legend for PSP $19.99
Posted by Josh Smith Categories: Hot Deals, Portable/Mobile, PSP,
Tomb Raider: Legend came out today for Sony’s PSP and is already a steal! Fry’s Electronics has Tomb Raider: Legend on sale for just $19.99 starting today. The offer is limited to one per customer and it is unknown how long the deal will last. Tomb Raider: Legend on the PSP is currently selling for $39.99 at Bestbuy and most other gaming outlets. Lara Croft’s latest has received average reviews by the usual suspects and I have yet to get a hands-on for the PSP version but it looks promising for a $20 investment. In other Tomb Raider news the remake of the original Tomb Raider that was thought to be cancelled has been confirmed as being back on track for release.
Read More | Frys Electronics Ads
Happy 15th, Sonic the Hedgehog!
Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Corporate News, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3, PSP, Release Dates, Wii, Xbox 360,
Sonic the Hedgehog, SEGA mascot and one-time rival of Mario, will be celebrating his 15th birthday today. Whether or not you love the little blue blaze, you have to admire Sonic’s contribution to the gaming world in terms of encouraging fast graphics processing and simple, intuitive play mechanics. To
celebrate the event, SEGA will be releasing 4 new Sonic-based games this year, including Sonic for the PS3 and Xbox 360 as well as Sonic Wildfire for the Wii, Sonic Rivals for the PSP, and a “special edition” of Sonic the Hedgehog for the GBA.
Sonic’s career has certainly gone a bit downhill in recent years - from the heyday of Sonic the Hedgehog for the Genesis and Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast to the less-favorably-received current-gen Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Riders. Perhaps someday soon we can look forward to a New Super Mario Bros.-esque 3-D/2-D hybrid that will return the little fur ball to his former glory.
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PSP owners will have the opportunity to read a good virtual book with the release of “Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel”. An interactive comic book, the title will feature animation, sounds effects, and background music. Imagine reading a comic book on screen or even better having one read to you on your PSP. Players can bookmarks pages and flip them at whatever pace is suitable, or even discover content hidden within the novel. Some elements of interacting with the book mimic game play, including a “mental scan mode”. At only $20 SRP, “MGS:DGN” could be a good way to liven up a summer afternoon, and the portabiliy will mean you can take it to the beach.
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New Tales Games Announced
Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Corporate News, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2, PSP, Role Playing Games,

Today, Bandai Namco announced the next games in their Tales RPG series, with new screen shots of the games. Siliconera has some details, and Game Watch Japan has full coverage of the announcement by Bandai Namco in Japan. There are a few remakes in the list, including a “full voice edition” release of Tales of Phantasia for the PSP, a remake of the Playstation 1 game, which itself was a remade version of the original Super Nintendo release. The Playstation 2 will see another remake, this time of the original Playstation game, Tales of Destiny, with redone 2D graphics. Tales of Destiny 2 should also see a home on the PSP, some time in 2007, as a remake of the Playstation 2 game. The PSP also gets a new game in the Tales of the World series. Finally, the DS game, Tales of the Tempest was also previewed.
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Mizuguchi Speaks on Lumines
Posted by George Hatzidimitriou Categories: Corporate News, PlayStation 2, Portable/Mobile, PSP, Strategy, Xbox Live Arcade,
Game Informer has put up an interview with Tetsuya Mizuguchi, founder of Q Entertainment and of Lumines and Rez fame. Mizuguchi speaks at length on the four(!) upcoming versions of Lumines in the works. First up, is Lumines Live, an Xbox Live Arcade version of the title in which a plethora of skins, music tracks and various other features such as online ranking and versus mode will be constantly added and made available via the Xbox Live marketplace. No exact details were given yet, but Mizugiuchi mentions seasonal skins/music and confirms Madonna as being on the soundtrack. Next is Lumines Mobile, which has been licensed to Buena Vista Games and is being developed by Gameloft. Also mentioned is Lumines Plus a more or less direct port of Lumines to the Playstation 2. While Lumines Plus will feature a few unspecified new additions, online play has yet to be determined. Finally, Mizuguchi divulges some new info on Lumines 2, the sequel to the original PSP Lumines. Lumines 2 is set to feature over 100 songs by artists of various genres, full motion video, and a brand new mission mode. He also mentions the development of a Disney themed version of Meteos, possibly with online play and muses about the possibility of Lumines on the Playstation 3. Overall, it looks as though we’ll have no shortage of Lumines titles in the coming summer/fall seasons.
Read More | Game Informer
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