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Friday June 9, 2006 9:57 pm

Xbox 360 Spring Update Problems

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Rumors, Xbox 360, Xbox Live,

Xbox 360 The Xbox 360 Spring update was recently released, and Microsoft trumpeted the 125 improvements in the patch, but reports from users on the official Xbox.com forums show a bunch of users having problems with games, the dashboard, and video playback after the update. Now, despite the number of posts in the forums, this could be a small number of people affected with this. On the other hand, Microsoft has a known platform on which they fully control the hardware, so one would expect fewer issues in deploying a major patch like this than on PCs. One of the suggested fixes was to clear the Xbox 360 hard drive and re-download the affected content using the new cache clearing code built into the dashboard. However, this hasn’t seemed to fix the issue in all circumstances, and for some gamers, they can’t re-download the content because it is no longer available from the Xbox Live marketplace. At any rate, it looks like discontent is growing in the forums right now, but there’s no real smoking gun that suggests a root cause.

Read More | Xbox.com “Freezing after update” forum thread

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