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Monday October 9, 2006 12:09 am

Wild Wii Weekend Rumors in Review

Wii Logo It seems the internets just can’t get enough Wii information - and with the launch a little over a month away, tasty pics and rumomrs are springing up all over the place. Just so you don’t have to go anywhere else, we’ve compiled all of this week’s major Wii stories into one meaty, juicy post.

See more after the jump, including pics of the first Wii accessories, launch date rumors, and other tidbits.

Wii Accessory Pics Leaked, straight from the warehouse

A while back, Nintendo had posted some job openings in their packing and shipping department so that they could keep up an uninterrupted flow of Wii units and Wii-related merchandise. We’ve all seen the hardware box and game boxes by now, so some enterprising young new hire decided to furnish us with pics of other Wii accessories including “Controller Gloves”, game carrying cases, and even Wii dog tags and lapel pins. How many of THOSE do you think they’re going to sell?

See even more images over at Joystiq.com

Wii Controller Glove BoxesWii Displays at the factoryWii Dogtags?

Wii Sports Box Revealed?
MaxConsole thinks they may have found the boxart for the pack-in game Wii Sports. Thanks to some screen grabs taken by Wii-Brasil, this might be our first peek at how the pack-in game will look.

Thanks, MaxConsole

Wii Sports Rumored Box


Nerf Wiimotes in the Works

For those of you too cool to use the included wrist-strap (or to klutzy for it to work), it appears that Nerf will be working on their own version of the Wiimote and the nunchuk attachment. A reader over at Go Nintendo found this picture of a listing on Amazon.com which was promptly removed. With all the crazy goings-on inside the Wiimote, it should be interesting to see whether any of the 3rd-party controllers can maintain a decent level of quality.

Amazon Nerf Wiimotes screengrab

Target Begins Making Room for Wii

With a mere 5 weeks until the Wii launch, Target has begun clearing out their less popular Gamecube games and making space for the Wii. It begs the question - does Target really need 5 weeks to prepare for the Wii launch? And as far as creating a display goes, shouldn’t Target just be able to put all their Wii-related loot in a pile and watch the feeding frenzy? That is of course, unless….. (see next story)

Target clears out Wii space


Wii Will Launch Early??

Finally, we present you with a screenshot that a Best Buy employee took of the Wii and PS3 release date info. While the page for the Wii appears riddled with misinformation (somehow, I doubt the Wii box is going to weigh 23 pounds), it interestingly lists an October 29th release date for the Wii while getting the PS3 release date spot-on. Our guess is that either this is the date that Best Buy will start receiving Wii units (which will give them two weeks to build up their stocks), or it’s just yet another error in Best Buy’s system. Still, it would be quite the surprise if the Wii actually did end up beating the PS3 to market.

Thanks, Kotaku

PS3 Best Buy ScreenshotWii Best Buy Screenshot



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