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Monday August 23, 2010 2:23 pm

Wii Fit Used to Rehabilitate College Football Players

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Casual, Nintendo, Wii,

Wii Fit RehabIn an effort to change the negative stigma associated with rehabilitation, many universities are opting for a more playful approach in their physical therapy routines. To this end, the Fit is employed as a “frame of reference” for college athletes. The athletes replicate a series of yoga positions, repeating each stance twice, once with their eyes closed. The next test involves shifting their weight to get on-screen marbles to fall into their respective holes. These balance scores are recorded, and in the event an athlete is injured they will serve as “base scores” for an athlete to replicate before being deemed fully recovered.

The director of research at the Ohio State Sports Concussion Program, Tamerah Hunt, had this to say:

“The athletes love it because what we’ve done is we’ve incorporated this fun game that they’re playing at home into their rehab system. But they’re also enjoying it at a time when they’re injured or at a time when their spirits are down, and they have to come into the athletic training room every day and they have to get all this treatment ... and it’s kind of a reaction of, ‘Oh, this is fun.’ ”

And who ever said all video games did is hurt people?

Read More | The Washington Post



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