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Monday January 23, 2006 5:13 pm

Video: Half Life Beat in 45 Minutes

Half LifeYeah, we had a hard time believing it at first, but someone beat the original Half Life in 45 minutes. The clip is up on Google Video and really has to be seen. From what we can tell, whoever got through the game in the incredibly short amount of time did so legitimately without cheating. Watching the video almost made me want to boot up Half Life and see how quickly I could run through it - but then I realized that I probably wouldn’t stand a chance and that I bluntly don’t have the skills that this guy has, whoever he is. Hey, maybe he works at Valve?

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Forum Discussion

Well, I'm pretty sure the video was definately doctored. There's no way anyone can beat the game in 45 minutes.

Ive seen these things before, on doom and stuff. Id say he could have doen it.

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