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Tuesday July 25, 2006 10:03 pm

Valkyrie Profile Producer Provides New Details

Valkyrie Profile 2 SilmeriaThe prequel to the original PSOne game, Valkyrie Profile, has recently shipped in Japan. Published by Square-Enix and developed by tri-Ace, Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, is set 100 years before the events in the original. US gamers who missed the first game on the PSOne can pick up the PSP port, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. The game is due for release in the US in September, and IGN recently talked to the series producer, Yoshinori Yamagishi about what to expect.

Yamagishi summarizes a bit of the plotline for the game, and gamers should expect that some of the lingering questions from the original will be answered in this prequel. Also discussed are some of the gameplay changes being made to the game, including the battle system and special attacks. Some gamers have expressed concern over the changes, since much that is changed takes away from the original game. Despite this, the sequel has gotten strong scores from respected reviewer Famitsu.

IGN also features a preview of the introductory cut scene for the game.

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