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Monday August 23, 2010 11:18 am
Street Fighter IV 3DS will be a perfect port of console versions

According to the head guru in charge of Street Fighter, Yoshinori Ono, the 3DS version of Street Fighter will be a “perfect port” of the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions. This means that all of those modes and features you have come to love on your console version will be included on Nintendo’s handheld. In addition, the 3DS version will have a few new aspects to hold over console gamers’ heads.
In order to attract a newer crowd to the Street Fighter arena Ono is utilizing the unique visuals and control scheme of the 3DS. Stereoscopic 3D has been applied to give fighting matches much more depth and attract gamers interested in trying out the new 3D phenomenon.
“When you put the 3D slider on max the game will be between looking into the (game world) and the characters jumping out at you, so you can distinguish the background and characters very clearly”, states Ono.
What’s more, new control schemes will enable younger players not familiar with Street Fighter to play the game in an all new way, while veteran Street Fighters will still be able to make use of their years of training using the classic control scheme.
“We are currently working hard on researching the possibility of having two control options,” says Ono. “One would be targeting people my age, entering 40, who played on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It will allow them to play it as they used to on the Super NES…By providing two different options we hope to reach a broader audience.”
Read More | Kotaku
- Related Tags:
- 3d, 3d gaming, fighting games, handhelds, nintendo 3ds, street fighter, street fighter 4, street fighter iv, street fighter iv 3ds, yoshinori ono
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