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Tuesday June 20, 2006 7:30 am
Soul Calibur IV Confirmed, Tekken 6 Straight to PS3
In a recent interview over at GameDaily, Daisuke Uchiyama, the Chief Producer at Namco-Bandai mentioned that Soul Calibur IV is currently in development for the Playstation 3. Additionally, Uchiyama commented that Tekken 6 will be heading straight to the Playsation 3, skipping its initial arcade run. In light of this recent news, as well as Soul Calibur III first appearing on the PS2, it seems likely that Soul Calibur IV is set to follow suit. While undoubtedly a huge blow to the niche, but still heavily active arcade fighting game scene, all hope is not lost. Soul Calibur III: Arcade Edition recently debuted in Japan, a full 6 months after its console release and added various balancing tweaks/character fixes. Perhaps a similar “console first, arcade later” release plan is in the cards for Tekken 6 and other Namco-Bandai developed fighters.
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I know this was posted two years ago but dammit I feel like people have forgotten about this game and series. Tekken 5 was amazing in gameplay and graphics and the same goes for dark ressurection on psp but with added wi-fi multiplayer made it a psp legend. Don’t sleep on this game and truly get ready for the next battle.