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Tuesday December 20, 2005 4:34 pm

SEGA Intrigued by Nintendo Revolution’s Backwards Compatibility

Posted by Brandon Gribin Categories: Retro, Rumors, Wii,

Sonic HedgehogOn Monday, Nintendo hosted a Mario Kart DS meet-up in Bellevue, WA - close to Nintendo’s American HQ. Reggie was present at the meet-up and briefly mentioned that SEGA is intrigued by the Revolution’s backwards compatibility. While he didn’t confirm anything more than that, we’re only left wondering the full implications of what he said.

From the sound of it, we could be seeing a few old SEGA games on Nintendo’s Revolution. Can we expect Genesis games? How about Saturn and Dreamcast titles? And will the games from those consoles only be SEGA titles or can we expect old third-party games as well? Just thinking about all of this makes us anticipate Revolution that much more. But for now, we’re just fine with Xbox Live Arcade.

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