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Tuesday August 20, 2013 7:37 pm
Saints Row IV Day 1 console patch notes
The highly-anticipated Saints Row IV was released today, and if you picked up the game, you may have noticed a quick title update was available. We've got a list of the fixes, changes, and added functionality that the Saints Row IV Day 1 console patch brough to the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions of the game for you, after the jump.
PlayStation 3
- Fix for an animation issue that occurred when super jumping and clipping a building on the way down
- Added a more detailed error message when signing out of PSN while in game
- Fix for using the 'continue' option when the only save data present is another user's save data
- Fix for a hang that occurred if the player was shot as they entered the Friendly Fire interface
- Fix for a crash if the host exits a mission while the client is mid-save
- Fix for a crash caused by spamming "A" during Shaundi's cutscene during the second mission
- Fix for sometimes the map not displaying diversion icons
- Fix for a stat mismatch between the time played on the save game stats versus the in game stats menu
- Fix for a crash when using the nuke DFA back to back at maximum height
- Fix in the Ben King rescue mission where a player could get stuck in part of the world
- Added functionality to allow DLC weapons to work.
Xbox 360
- Fix for a lack of audio on the ending credits
- Fix for beating the game with all loyalty missions not playing the proper end game credit sequence.
- Fix for using the 'continue' option when the only save data present is another user's save data
- Fix for a hang that occurred if the player was shot as they entered the Friendly Fire interface
- Fix for a crash if the host exits a mission while the client is mid-save
- Fix for a crash caused by spamming "A" during Shaundi's cutscene during the second mission
- Fix for sometimes the map not displaying diversion icons
- Fix for a stat mismatch between the time played on the save game stats versus the in game stats menu
- Fix for a crash when using the nuke DFA back to back at maximum height
- Fix in the Ben King rescue mission where a player could get stuck in part of the world
- Fix for an animation issue that occurred when super jumping and clipping a building on the way down
- Added functionality to allow DLC weapons to work.
- Related Tags:
- action, deep silver, open world, patches, playstation 3, ps3, saints row, saints row iv, title updates, volition, xbox 360
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This is the awesome post.helpfull information. This is for the good news.