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Sunday September 10, 2006 5:43 pm

Rumor: Virtual Console Launch Titles

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Internet, Nintendo, Retro, Wii,

Classic Controller Game site Play-Nintendo has a list of what they claim to be work-in-progress listing of launch titles for Nintendo’s Virtual Console service. The list is an interesting mix of titles for the original NES, the Super Nintendo, the Nintendo 64, and a couple of Sega Genesis titles. However, the list might be too interesting, since it reads almost like a fan’s dream list of classic games. The appearance of Mortal Kombat on the list is interesting, but with no information about the version, the quality of the title is up in the air. Duck Hunt could be interesting, depending on whether or not light gun support is mapped to the Wii controller. Play-Nintendo’s source also indicated that there were to be at least five new titles to launch with the Virutal Console service. It’s hard to put a lot of weight behind this listing, since Nintendo is unlikely to make any confirmation of this report, but the list does give gamers an inkling of the potential of the Virtual Console.

Read More | Play-Nintendo



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