On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

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Tuesday August 29, 2006 1:46 am

Red Steel To Have Motion-Matching Controls, Zero Load Time

Red SteelGood news for all those worried about the fate of the Wii’s premiere first-person shooter. Reports are coming in that Red Steel by Ubisoft will feature motion-matching controls using the Wiimote (i.e., the sword-play on-screen will match your Wiimote movements) which is exactly what most gamers were hoping. The main question remaining, of course, is how Ubisoft translates sword collisions from the screen to the gamer.

The reports come from a roundabout source… the user Mordrag on an IGN message board submitted some questions for German gaming site Nintendo LAN to ask. Nintendo LAN then supposedly asked the questions to Ubisoft, and their responses were translated back into English by Mordrag for readers of the IGN boards. Phew.

In his translation, Mordrag notes that Ubisoft also stated that there would be NO load times in Red Steel thanks to “smart streaming technology”. See after the jump for the full conversation!

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Mordrag: Hi, in your interview with Ubisoft you could ask how the swordfighting is going to work now, because it was announced to be redesigned. So that the swordmoves aren’t predetermined any more but are converted 1:1.

N-LAN: That’s the case indeed. The developer has confirmed that the control scheme will be completely redesigned so that the controller moves are converted into the game precisely. Besides the controller sensitivity will be completely adjustable in the final version. And the graphics were improved very well since E3, now the atmosphere is darker and thrilling. But that’s not all, there will be even more improvements on the graphics side.

Mordrag: Furthermore you could ask Ubisoft if there are any loading times in Red Steel or in other games on the Wii.

N-LAN: In Red Steel there will be no loading times at all because of smart streaming techniques. How it’s handled in other Wii games we can’t say at the moment. But it’s a fact that Mario Strikers Charged will have loading times similar to the Gamecube version of the game.

We were not told if that will be changed in the future. But we’re sure that it will work like on the Gamecube. And as you know the loading times on Gamecube - if they have existed at all - actually were not a big deal.



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