On Gear Live: iPhone 16e Review: Apple Just Killed the Budget iPhone

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Wednesday June 28, 2006 7:45 pm

Red Steel Control Scheme Being Overhauled

Red Steel for Wii ScreenshotRed Steel is one of those games that Nintendo fans really really  want to see succeed. The idea of a first-person game alternately utilizing the Wii to do gun-shootin’ and sword-swingin’ sounded like a dream come true. Unfortunately that dream was shattered (or at least slightly cracked) when E3 rolled around. Red Steel proved to be perhaps the poorest showing in Nintendo’s wildly popular Wii booth, mainly due to a flawed control scheme that made gunplay somewhat jittery and (more importantly) didn’t actually simulate your sword-strokes during onscreen saber battles.

Well blessed be Ubisoft - the company has actually taken the criticism to heart. TheGameFeed.com has reported that Ubisoft recently told the French press they will be making “significant changes” to the game-play before the game hits shelves, presumably sometime around November. Here’s hoping that it will be much closer to the free-form sword swinging we were all hoping for!

Read More | TheGameFeed.com

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