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Monday November 29, 2010 11:38 am

Realistic Street Fighter character art

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: CAPCOM, Casual, Culture,

Dhalsim realistic character art

Putting the awful recent Street Fighter movie out of your mind, or even the so-terrible-it's-funny Street Fighter film with Van Damme, can you imagine what the cast of SFIV would look like if they were real? These images by Cazetta portraying some notable SF characters are so realistic looking that it's actually a little creepy. 


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Sagat realistic character art

ryu realistic character art


street fighter 4 realistic character art



I purchased views from http://www.socialkik.com and once my video reached 1000 views, I received an email from Youtube to join their partners program. Once Socialkik delivered 10,000 views on my video, it started showing on the top of the search results on Youtube and it’s now getting tons of views.
I have done the same thing with 10 other videos and got most of them to 100,000 views using Socialkik initially and the advantage of ranking on top of the search results later on…


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