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Monday June 12, 2006 1:34 pm

Rare Nintendo Prototypes Found At Garage Sale

Posted by Christopher Sasaki Categories: Culture, Retro,

Earthbound NESGameSetWatch reports on an insane find that a collector found at a recent garage sale in New York. Apparently, a former employee of Nintendo was selling off a large lot of Nintendo and Super Nintendo games and prototypes that he had accumulated during his years at Nintendo of America. Some of the lot include some of the Starfox competition cartridges used for the Nintendo national tours back in their heyday, and prototypes of the NES version of Earthbound, and apparently, the only copy of the original Nintendo Campus Challenge NES cartridge known to exist. Some of the lot have made their way to Ebay, including a prototype of Zelda 3 for the Super Nintendo, with a “Buy It Now” price of $2000, so those gamers looking to round out their collection of every SNES cartridge ever made now have their chance.

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