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Wednesday July 25, 2007 1:08 pm
Xbox Live Bringing It Home Again: Comic-Con 2007 Edition
Posted by Chris Pereira Categories: Internet, Microsoft, Xbox 360, Xbox Live, Xbox Live Marketplace,
For those who can’t make it to this year’s Comic-Con, your Xbox 360 has got your back. Starting tomorrow, July 26, and running until August 7, Xbox Live and will be home to all sorts of good content from the event. Previously, Bringing It Home only provided coverage to E3 and TGS, but it looks like Microsoft saw how much the public appreciated it, and has decided to do it for other events. Here’s to hoping Comic-Con isn’t the last new event added to the Bringing It Home campaign.
From July 26 to August 7, Xbox LIVE and will feature full access to all of Warner [Bros.]’s Comic-Con featured game trailers, show panels, movie and TV trailers and sneak peeks, celebrity interviews, show exclusives and customization themes for Xbox LIVE. Plus, action film and comic book fans will have access to an array of exclusive themes from 300 and DC Comics available for download.
Additionally, 300 fans who are attending Comic-con this year are in for two special treats. Warner Bros. will be hosting a special screening of the movie at Petco field for 6,000 conference attendees, all of whom will be entered to win one of ten custom limited edition 300-themed Xbox 360 Elite consoles.
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