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Wednesday June 13, 2007 1:03 pm

Xbox Live Arcade 6/13: Prince of Persia Classic

Prince of Persia Classic

For those of you who think Prince of Persia is a series that began last gen, you’re dead wrong. Prince of Persia was originally a PC title, developed back in 1989. Now the game is resurfacing as Prince of Persia Classic on the Xbox Live Arcade for 800 Microsoft Points ($10). The interesting catch to the game is that you’re required to save a princess… but in under 60 minutes.

The features list is exactly what you would expect from an XBLA game: improved graphics; new traps, puzzles, and enemies; 12 achievements; and leaderboards in three flavors – Normal Mode (complete the game as fast as possible, saving after each level), Time Attach Mode (start from the beginning if that princess isn’t saved in 60 minutes), and Survival Mode (complete the game in under 60 minutes without dying – good luck).



Prince of Persia orginally appeared on the Apple II, and was ported to the PC, Amiga, and ST a year later.  After a few years, it would also appear on consoles and handhelds.

It was the first game that featured fluid life-like animation.

The original version was also ridiculously hard, something most people forget. 

It’s nice to see that the XBLA version not only improves the graphics, but allows you to progress to later levels via a continue option.


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