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Tuesday March 6, 2007 8:52 pm

Sakaguchi: Blue Dragon In August, Lost Odyssey December, PS3 “Difficult”

Blue DragonMistwalker head and Final Fantasy originator Hironobu Sakaguchi today spoke at the GDC and filled in the US audience on the release dates for their RPGs in the US. Blue Dragon, the epic RPG with character design from Akira Torayama will hit the US in August. According to 1up, Lost Odyssey will ship in December for both the Japanese and US territories, with the DS RPG Ash hitting during the holidays as well. Sakaguchi also reported discussed his team’s investigation of the PS3 as a development platform; according to IGN, his thoughts so far are “PS3 is difficult.” It is a little shocking to hear that the company is looking to the PS3 already, but without knowing the exact details behind the company’s agreement with Microsoft, it would be difficult to say when or if something from Mistwalker would appear on the PS3.
Read More | IGN (Sakaguchi on PS3)

Read More | 1up (RPG release dates)



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