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Saturday April 7, 2007 3:45 pm

RedOctane Acknowledges Guitar Hero 360 Problems

Guitar Hero 2 Xbox 360 It seems RedOctane changed their mind pretty quickly, probably due to the fact that reports of faulty Xbox 360 X-plorer guitars for Guitar Hero II are rolling in from all around the internets. RedOctane has now acknowledged that there may be problems with two versions of the guitar, as posted over on Kotaku.com.

From their support e-mail:

We have isolated this issue to two model numbers that can be found on the guitar’s packaging. The numbers are 95065 and 95055. We are asking that customers who puchased their items from a retailer perform an exchange with that respective store (for a model number other than the defective two listed above). Customer’s who purchased through our online story can complete an rma request for their defective item and we will exchange it for a fully function guitar controller. We do apologize for the inconvenience and will [resolve] these matters.

The strangest part about this whole fiasco is that these two product numbers actually feature slightly different designs of the GH2 controller… you’ve got to wonder why there isn’t a single unified design. Perhaps the production was outsourced to shoddy construction facilities that didn’t built the guitar exactly to specs? Anyway, at least they’re recognizing the problem now and offering consumers a way to fix it.

Read More | Kotaku.com



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