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Tuesday April 3, 2007 1:28 pm
PS3 Sales Drop 82% in Great Britain
After Sony broke records with their 165,000 unit launch in the UK, things were looking up a bit for the Playstation 3. The Playstation has traditionally sold very well in the UK, but this week’s news is not looking so good. From
Sales of the PlayStation 3 have dropped dramatically on the second week of release in the UK, with official Chart Track figures revealing a fall of 82 per cent.
Chart Track data is gathered from 7000 UK retail outlets representing 90 per cent of the software market, including GAME, Gamestation,, Asda and HMV.
This week’s software charts revealed that sales of the top two PlayStation 3 titles, Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm, had dropped by over 60 per cent.
Does this mean that just about everyone in the UK who wanted a PS3 picked one up on launch day? Or is this due to a lack of supply available after the frenzied launch? Either way, hopefully Sony can somehow reverse this precipitous drop in sales… they could certainly use a bright spot to point to these days.
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- Related Tags:
- failure, record breaking, sales data
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