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Tuesday September 11, 2007 5:33 pm

Guitar Hero III Announced for Mac and PC

Guitar Hero III on Mac and PCIt took several years but the marketability of the popular console series Guitar Hero couldn’t go unnoticed by the PC side of gaming for very long and today Aspyr Media announced that it will be bringing Activision‘s Guitar Hero III to PC and Mac in time for the holiday season.

Dusty Welch, head of publishing at Red Octane, said in a statement to GameDaily BIZ: “Providing the option for our fans to play Guitar Hero at their desk or on a laptop on the go is incredibly exciting, and we’re thrilled to now offer the ability to rock out literally anywhere and everywhere.”

The PC version will ship with a USB guitar controller based on an as-yet unannounced Gibson model. Aspyr is planning on offering some type of download service but declined to reveal any specific details of how that would be handled saying, “We hope to have a very exciting announcement soon.” At this stage Aspyr is still conducting compatibility tests and hasn’t solidified the system requirements but stressed that they were aiming to make the game accessible to the widest audience possible.

Read More | GameDaily BIZ via Evil Avatar


Forum Discussion

Yawn. Is anyone else actually surprised? Activision is going to milk this franchise for all it's worth.

I'm moderately surprise, to be honest. I mean, it makes perfect sense to utilize the PC and Mac market, but it just isn't something I'm used to. I am more of a PC enthusiast and there've been a lot of games I think would have worked just fine on the PC that never come out for it. On the other hand: Guitar Hero just might not be as awesome on a 17" CRT as it is on a 52" Plasma screen. Though for kicks I've played Guitar Hero on a portable DVD player with headphones and it was still fun. A little akward, but fun.

you guys in the states wouldnt no about these but euro and aus gamers will, Singstar mate, let me start with the titles Singstar Original,Singstar Pop,Rock,80,90,Legends,Pop2, and party with more to come, when Guitar Hero II was released i totally knew that this was the way the games were gonna go, tho it wont be as popular as the singstar games

I am surprised to see them come to the PC. I think you will see mods being hacked and created to add new songs from that scene.

[quote author="Robotkio" date="1189594525"]On the other hand: Guitar Hero just might not be as awesome on a 17" CRT as it is on a 52" Plasma screen. Though for kicks I've played Guitar Hero on a portable DVD player with headphones and it was still fun. A little akward, but fun.[/quote] How do you play Guitar Hero on a DVD player? 0_o Maj, they already do that on PS2... it won't take them more than a couple days to adapt the techniques to the PC/Mac version.

[quote author="Hypersteric" date="1189676531"]How do you play Guitar Hero on a DVD player? 0_o[/quote] Eh, it had a video in on it. I assume it's just because it came with a cheap looking game controller that you can connect to just about any TV and play games that come on the controller. Also, [url=http://www.metacafe.com/watch/733570/learrn_to_make_custom_songs_for_guitar_hero/]a video[/url] for how to make custom PS2 guitar hero songs was linked to me a while ago by a friend of mine. I find the guy doing the video a little annoying and a little unprepared, but what can you expect?

Well for the mere fact that I love guitar hero, I plan on getting for the PC just because it will make things that much easier. I am a big computer nerd so I plan to get whatever games I possibly can for PC, although I do have the game consoles too, but it's just more convenient to have it on PC as well.

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