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Monday April 17, 2006 11:14 pm

Oblivion Quest Orrery Available on Xbox Live

OblivionMajor Nelson recently posted that the Orrery quest for Elder Scrolls: Oblivion is now available on Xbox Live for a low 150 points. The backlash has already started over in the official Oblivion forums for the game; people that have downloaded the additional quest complain that this add-on is less valuable than the previous horse armor premium content. Gamers impatient for the gameplay patch from Bethesda are also questioning the priorities of the developers.

Read More | MajorNelson.com
Read More | Official Oblivion Forums

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I really like the idea of being able to download/purchase future content for games and don’t even have a problem paying for it if it gives me more gameplay time. An example would be a full expansion like maybe for half life 2 where it is a fully developed game in itself.

What I really don’t like though is the idea that developers may end up holding back features and gameplay features from future games not because they run out of time but so they can try to sell those “pieces” after release. We all saw that the horse armor was probably developed before the game went retail (according to earlier screenshots) so it’s not like something that was developed after the game went retail. It would seem they held it back on purpose to make an extra buck (well two and a half actually). Sure it doesn’t make a huge difference in the game but the idea could turn into a bad bad game world for us. I know I don’t want to be “nickle and dimed” to death just to get a full game in the future.


Paying for fully developed game expansions for more gameplay = good

Charging for features/items that should have been included in the retail game = bad

What’s next, charging for patches?


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