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Tuesday June 27, 2006 7:00 am
No Xbox 360 Price Drop Planned
The Global Marketing Guys at Gamerscoreblog dropped the hammer on price drop rumors for the Xbox 360, stating “the official word from folks in the know is that there are currently no plans for a price drop this fall.” Now, gamers can quibble about details like the wording “no current plans” and the fact that many of the rumors picked Europe as the target market for price drops. Realistically, though, there isn’t a compelling reason to either announce a price drop at this point, or actually lower the price.
While the rest of the statement on the site is pretty typical marketing speak trying to get gamers to hop on the Xbox 360 bandwagon, the truth of the matter is that the Xbox 360 does come in at a lower price point than the Playstation 3. Neither Sony nor Microsoft really consider Nintendo enough of a threat to their plans to consider the pricing of the Wii in their price points. So, more than likely, Microsoft will be content to sit on their price point at $299 and $399, and if they find that the Playstation 3 is seriously eating into their marketshare, consider a price drop at that time.
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