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Wednesday August 23, 2006 12:36 pm
Nintendo Unveils Two New Games At Leipzig
Gamers looking for a big announcement from Nintendo about the pricing and availability of their Wii console will probably be disappointed from the news coming from Leipzig. In lieu of hard information about when gamers would be able to get their hands on the new console, Nintendo instead announced two new first party games along with promised availability of the pink Nintendo DS Lite in Europe. The two new games are nothing to sneeze at, really; according to a press release on Nintendo Europe’s site, games can expect to see Battalion Wars II and Mario Strikers Charged (working title) on the Wii. Had Nintendo not hyped up their conference at Leipzig so much, gamers would probably have been happy to see the new titles. But with maybe two or three months (depending on Nintendo’s final launch date) until the Wii hits shelves and with pricing rumors flying around, it would have been really nice to get this information now. Still, Mario Strikers looks particularly good, and promises to translate well to the Wii controller. Overall, its hard not to be disappointed in Nintendo’s decision to continue to hold launch information close to their chest.
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