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Monday May 15, 2006 9:36 pm
More Xbox 360 HD DVD Player Details
![Xbox 360 HD DVD Player]({filedir_4}xbox360hddvd.jpg)
So, we all know about the announcement of Microsoft’s HD DVD player add-on for the Xbox 360, right? What you may not know is how exactly is works. We have been getting questions from readers as it pertains to USB connections and such, worried that their pristinely beautiful setup will be ruined by the addition of the HD DVD player causing them to have to move the wireless network adapter to the front. So, we asked Microsoft for a few more details.
As it turns out, when you buy the Xbox 360 HD DVD player, you are also getting two more USB ports. So, you plug the USB out on the HD DVD drive to your rear USB in. The player has two more USB ports that you can use to connect other accessories, such as the Xbox Live Vision Camera, or the wireless network adapter. Even better, though, is the fact that the HD DVD player actually has the snap-in slots for the wireless network adapter as well, so there are no worries as to if the adapter’s USB cord will reach from the console to the drive. Lastly, there will be no DVI or HDMI output. All output will be through the Xbox 360 video out. From the looks of things, HD DVD releases aren’t going to have the protection token that requires the digital output connection to be present. Makes sense. Still, we would prefer some sort of HDMI or DVI cable support for the 360.
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