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Thursday November 4, 2010 2:22 pm

Mom gamer achieves 200,000 Gamerscore

Posted by John Kilhefner Categories: Culture, Xbox 360,

Hearing the “pluck” of an achievement is a joy to some, but to others, that little achievement sound is a rush similar to sky diving on cocaine. As gamers, we’ve all been there - slightly obsessed with getting all the achievements for a particular game. But, for achievement hunter and stay at home mother Kristen, one full game of achievements wasn’t enough. 

"I wanted to get to 200,000, so I started playing some cheesy kid games,"  said Kristen. Playing games in this manner to get achievements is called “boosting” by some, and now that Kristen reached her goal of 200,000 she plans to cut back a whole lot. 

 "I've been gaming for so long, I'll never quit - I'll probably keep gaming until I'm 70. But as far as achievements, I plan to cut back a lot now," said Kristen. “Now that I've hit it, I can't wait to just play Black Ops." 

Kristen seems to have gotten over her achievement addiction, but only time will tell if she can stop from going on achievement benders this holiday season.

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