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Saturday July 30, 2005 12:13 am

Miyamoto On What A Controller Should Be

Posted by Sparky Categories: Accessories, Wii,

Miyamoto Controller DesignShigero Miyamoto gave an interview today to GameSpy and talked about making controllers for Nintendo’s both in the past, and what ideals should be observed in the future. He commented that he wants a controller to be something fun - something that you want to interact with - not something complex that needs to be learned.Miyamoto wants each button of a controller to be different, feel different, look different - he feels that this helps audiences young and old be comfortable anddifferentiate between the wide array of buttons present on modern game controllers. He seemed surprised that Sony and Microsoft had not taken strides in this direction - Microsoft has colored their buttons, but has failed to change their shape even with the release of theXbox 360. Near the end of the interview Miyamoto expressed his two goals for the revolution controller design: “What we really want to do is create something that’s not frightening to the user that is usable for a Zelda-type game. We’re going to have to figure out a way to marry both those ideas.”

Obviously with rumors of a QWERTY controller for the Xbox 360 Microsoft has taken a very different approach to designing a controller. Everything from electro-shocking cylinders to hepatic feedback touch screens have been proposed for the Revolution design by people in Nintendo’s fan base. What do ourPlayfeed readers think the Revolution controller is going to look like? How will you interact with it? How will it interact with you?

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