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Sunday August 29, 2010 11:17 pm

Metal Gear future will be multi-platform

Metal Gear Rising

Bringing the Metal Gear Rising series to the Xbox 360 and PC in addition to the PS3 is only the start of Konami’s multi-platform approach. In a recent interview with VideoGamer.com MGR creative director Shigenobu Matsuyama stated, “I think it’s very important for the future of Japanese publishing. We see publishers — Capcom have started a little bit earlier than us — and I can say most of the Japanese studios have seen the importance of going multi-platform, and our studio as well.”

This can mean that Konami will start to embrace the Wii with less profound Metal Gear exclusives in the same vein that Capcom has done with its Resident Evil series, and continue bringing it’s more hardcore Metal Gear titles to the Xbox 360, PC, and PS3.

“I think we’re now really ready to go multi-platform at once, I mean development cycle wise. I think this will be a normal trend for Japanese studios in the future,” Matsuyama continued.

A hard blow to PS3 users hoping to keep future Metal Gears to themselves.

Read More | Kotaku via Video Gamer



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