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Saturday June 17, 2006 4:00 pm

LucasArts President Takes Potshot at EA’s Delayed Relases

Posted by Matt Haselton Categories: Action, Corporate News,

LucasArts“When you have EA failing to bring Superman out with the movie, that’s inexcusable. Moving games like Medal of Honor and Godfather out of the fourth quarter -– that’s the old way of thinking and you can’t do that any more.”

In an interview with MCV, a British trade magazine, LucasArts president Jim Ward argues that over-budget and late-shipping games hurt the industry as a whole, and cites EA as an example of bad behavior. He goes on to suggest that other developers should adopt the LucasArts policy to “make kick-ass games, but on time and on budget. Failure on any one of those three points is failure for the project.”

EA has yet to respond, but one has to speculate if this business mantra was the driving force behind the seemingly premature release of KOTOR 2…

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