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Wednesday August 16, 2006 1:59 pm

IGN Snaps Photos of Black Wii at THQ Event, Then Takes Them Down?

Posted by Michael Cardiff Categories: Action, Driving, Nintendo, THQ,

Black Wii

Earlier this morning IGN Wii posted a ton of photos from a super-secret THQ event showing off their Wii games (including Cars, SpongeBob Squarepants, Avatar, and Barnyard. And up until about 9:30 this morning, there were a ton of photos showing off some new Wii secrets including the Wii Dev Kit, and a black Wii controller. However, it appears that all of the interesting photos from the event have been taken down from IGN now! If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, you can still see a few people playing with the black Wiimote, but clicking on the links will just take you to boring photos of the refreshments offered.

Joystiq is still hosting a bunch of the photos, but if Nintendo is behind the IGN photo disappearances, you can bet they won’t last long there either. Perhaps the existence of the black Wii was one of the secrets Nintendo planned to divulge next month?

Read More | IGN Wii via Joystiq

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