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Tuesday December 13, 2005 3:37 pm

Call of Duty 2 Bug

Call of Duty 2 BugDoug Perry, IGN Xbox 360’s Editor in Chief, created a forum post on the IGN Boards detailing a bug in the Xbox 360 version of COD2. Apparently the glitch involves COD2 locking up randomly followed by deletion of your saved progress. Different forum members had similar experiences and expressed frustration with having lost their saves after pouring so much time into the game. As of right now, Doug’s waiting to hear back on the issue from Activision. In the meantime he offered a short-term solution that seems to fix the problem. The fix follows:

To maintain your saves, you have to log into your gamer ID before booting up the game. If you log onto the system through the front end of the game, your file will be written over.

Once again, that’s just a short-term fix and hopefully we’ll hear details of a permanent solution (hopefully a patch) in the near future.

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