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Monday September 5, 2005 7:16 pm

Bungie’s Hurricane Katrina Relief Effort

Posted by Oscar M. Cantu Categories: Corporate News, Internet,

bungie shirtYou’ve fought the flood in the game, now its time to fight it in the real world. Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the past week, then you have seen the natural disaster our nation has faced with in Hurricane Katrina. Maybe you’ve helped in some shape or form in the last couple of days and we thank you for that - if you haven’t then here’s just one more reason for you to do so. Of course, if you already helped, please do so again. Bungie is now taking donations and giving you a T-Shirt for your generosity. For merely a $20 bill you will be donating to the Red Cross and getting a T-Shirt to show the world that gamers care about the victims of the devastating hurricane. At least $15 of those $20 dollars will go towards that donation.  After you purchase one, be sure to tell everyone you know - the more people that buy the shirt, the more of a difference we can make.

Just so that we’re clear, of the $19.95 the shirt costs, about $15 in cleared funds will go straight to the Red Cross and directly to the disaster relief. Nobody, not Bungie, the Bungie store, or the distributor will clear a penny profit. That’s important. We basically want to get as much cash, as quickly as possible to those in dire need.

Read More | Bungie.net

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