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Monday June 19, 2006 10:15 pm

The 1337 Music Video

Posted by Josh Smith Categories: Internet, Retro,

Are you 1337?  The rap group 64K is, and they certainly let us know it in their recent smash hit 1337.  The group’s rhymes emulate the Beastie Boy style and take you on a journey from the days of the Atari 2600 all the way up to the next-gen.  The rap superstars are actually part of Loading Ready Run, a comedy group out of Canada, who give an entertaining timeline for video systems.  1337 is filled with many great gaming gems and no really good rap, and you can surely relate to some system/game combo they are reppin!  Anyone who still owns 3 Power Gloves, a Nintendo Superscope and cabinets of old school classics is definitely Leet.  Here at Playfeed we’re 1337, are you?

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