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Microsoft doubles down on anti-iPad ad campaign amidst major Surface RT failure [Video] - Apple, Handhelds, Microsoft

Microsoft doubles down on anti-iPad ad campaign amidst major Surface RT failure [Video]

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  • I don’t think Android will win the battle with slander. The trade-in numbers for Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 were high compared to Apple on end of lifecycle, which to me means Apple is wining the tablet race and Android should expect many of their tablet users to go back to Apple because they don’t feel all warm and fuzzy with Android tablets yet.

    I have the Nexus 10 after being an Apple fan for a long time. Without prejudice, I tried out the Note II and Nexus 10 and I’ll admit I hardly used them for the first few weeks because I was so comfortable with navigating around IOS. After the learning curve is where I was ABLE to make a comparison.

    Without a great deal of substance to back it up, I think many iOS to Android users have fatigue in getting past the changes they’re used to with iOS. Since iOS ate the cake for years before Andorid, almost everyone is farmiliar with iOS and can literally cause loyality to remain with Apple because users are unwilling or unmotivated to unwind their iOS mindframe.

    posted by: harvestcellular · 8/3/13
