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Google Buys YouTube For $1.65 Billion - Corporate News, Google, Internet

Google Buys YouTube For $1.65 Billion

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  • Well Google doesn’t seem to worried about the content thing according to their plans to scan/host every book available lol. Will be interesting to see how they protect the profits and keep from being sued like crazy…the pot just got jucier for those who may have wanted to sue. But I could see how this is just another huge advertising resource for Google. First an exclusive with myspace now basically and exclusive for youtube…so two of the most trafficed sites on the web is pretty impressive.

    lol, check out my attempt at a youtube wannabe 😉

    http://www.theshoutout.com  - please don’t sue me though 😉. Any intererst google? heheh.

    posted by: Scilynt · 10/10/06
