well, finally AOL is seeing that their service sucks, people are realizing there is no need to pay $21/mo or whatever for dialup and they are just losing their minds as quick as people are jumping from the AOL ship apparently.
Tony, I’m not sure where you figure the caller was being an ass; all he wanted was to cancel the account, I believe it was well within his rights to do so. If you had a service I provided, and you wanted to cancel, do you feel that I should waste your time on how much time you actually spent using it last month? Or when the last time you logged in was? Seriously dude, get a grip, that AOL rep was way outta line.
well, finally AOL is seeing that their service sucks, people are realizing there is no need to pay $21/mo or whatever for dialup and they are just losing their minds as quick as people are jumping from the AOL ship apparently.
Tony, I’m not sure where you figure the caller was being an ass; all he wanted was to cancel the account, I believe it was well within his rights to do so. If you had a service I provided, and you wanted to cancel, do you feel that I should waste your time on how much time you actually spent using it last month? Or when the last time you logged in was? Seriously dude, get a grip, that AOL rep was way outta line.
posted by: munkyxtc · 6/14/06