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BlackBerry Popularity Tops iPhone - Smartphones, Corporate News, Handhelds

BlackBerry Popularity Tops iPhone

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  • Not only will Apple fight back, but Palm will also release its Pre smartphone sometime in the next 45 days or so (rumors point to June 7).  Palm is trying to position the phone between the business-oriented Blackberry and the personally-oriented iPhone, and by most reports that I’ve read, the Pre has features that no other phone on the market has.  Most notably, the Synergy feature sounds like *the* killer smartphone app.  It aggregates contact, e-mail, IM, and calendar information from various services (Exchange, Google, Facebook) and displays all of it in one color-coded app.  With the launch of this phone, Palm will be a major player again in the market segment that it basically created.

    posted by: Stace Johnson · 5/6/09
