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Holiday Gift Guide Flashback: A Dark Lord Christmas - Editorial, Features, Toys, Kids

Holiday Gift Guide Flashback: A Dark Lord Christmas

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  • -Luke…(jshhhhhsjjshhh), I’m your santa!

    Haha, nice toy.

    posted by: Microutopic · 12/6/08

  • I was an only child, and my mom and dad never wrapped the presents from Santa. I woke up early one Christmas morning and started going through things. My mom and dad wandered in and started watching and I was showing them everything Santa left for me, and when I thought I had gotten through everything, my mom pointed to a plain cardboard box and asked, “What’s that?”

    “I don’t know. Something of yours.”

    “No,” said mom. “It’s not mine. I guess Santa brought it.”

    I opened the box and started looking at it. “It’s some kind of machine I don’t know what it is.”

    Well, it turned out it was a rock polisher, which I really wanted because some friends of the family had one and made awesome jewelry. I’ll never forget my confusion and then my excitement when I realized what it was.

    That was before Star Wars. Now I get toys every Christmas. Last year, it was mini- and make-your-own lightsabers from Radio Shack, and this year it’s an R2 Wastebasket and the book “Sculpting the Galaxy.” My husband plays Santa and he never tries to hide the boxes.

    posted by: Taminar · 12/8/08
