thanks for the tips. I originally thought blogging was basically stream of conciousness but it seems a lot more to some folks. i’ll try to do better
posted by: Joel Rosenberg · 11/14/08
unlike Lost, where it took them a few years to decide it would take them 3 years to come up with a last episode, we all know that in the last episode of Smallville, we will see Clark in the super-suit.
Try to remember the actors act the way the scripts are written and directed. Lois throughout history is supposed to be a crackerjack reporter with one teensy, weensy blind spot. personally, i always thought lana is super cute and lois is super hot.
Hmmm a series named Clark and Lois. could be
posted by: Joel Rosenberg · 11/14/08
try to remember its was her decision to leave although we will see her at the Chloe-Jimmy wedding.
thanks for the tips. I originally thought blogging was basically stream of conciousness but it seems a lot more to some folks. i’ll try to do better
posted by: Joel Rosenberg · 11/14/08
unlike Lost, where it took them a few years to decide it would take them 3 years to come up with a last episode, we all know that in the last episode of Smallville, we will see Clark in the super-suit.
Try to remember the actors act the way the scripts are written and directed. Lois throughout history is supposed to be a crackerjack reporter with one teensy, weensy blind spot. personally, i always thought lana is super cute and lois is super hot.
Hmmm a series named Clark and Lois. could be
posted by: Joel Rosenberg · 11/14/08
try to remember its was her decision to leave although we will see her at the Chloe-Jimmy wedding.
posted by: Joel Rosenberg · 11/14/08