Although it looks like a cool computer thats an awful lot for a computer. I like that you can plug your stuff in the top that makes it easier to access. Thats a heavy computer to. No wonder its heavy with the copper pipping and liquid cooling system. I think they should open it to everyone, but they should come down on the price.
posted by: littlebull · 7/2/08
Love the outtakes at the end of the video. I’d like to see their plumbing work behind the covers. Can’t wait to read about the full specs.
Although it looks like a cool computer thats an awful lot for a computer. I like that you can plug your stuff in the top that makes it easier to access. Thats a heavy computer to. No wonder its heavy with the copper pipping and liquid cooling system. I think they should open it to everyone, but they should come down on the price.
posted by: littlebull · 7/2/08
Love the outtakes at the end of the video. I’d like to see their plumbing work behind the covers. Can’t wait to read about the full specs.
posted by: Ibdabloke · 7/2/08