69 minutes seems less to me.Bluray could easily hold over hours of music.
Still i believe its a start,stuff like music compilation works will definitely get a boost with bluray.
This would go nice with HDX considering,it has a bluray player.
posted by: DOOOMKULTUS · 6/6/08
How many people are going to want to buy Blu-ray discs for music though? People buy CDs so they can listen to them in their stereo systems and their cars, their portable CD players, etc but here you would be confined to only your blu-ray player…
posted by: BuckeyeFanatic25 · 6/6/08
Well if there are going to be 20 albums put in formats suppporting all of 2.0 LPCM, 5.1 LPCM, 5.1 DTS HD Master Audio, 5.1 Dolby True HD, 5.1 Dolby Digital,cd and cd player can’t do much.
posted by: DOOOMKULTUS · 6/6/08
I think they needto come down on their prices of blu-ray.
posted by: littlebull · 6/6/08
Don’t think I’d buy it for that limited amount of audio. For bluray, I think audio is important, but secondary to video. Besides that isn’t a bluray player backwards compatible anyway? How many bits do you need to hear quality audio? I smell marketing droids.
posted by: Ibdabloke · 6/6/08
Seems like a waste to put audio only on a blu-ray disk. You’d think they would be able to put about every song ever recorded by the music industry on it.
posted by: artwdog · 6/6/08
That’s not a bad price though and give some applause to Norway, haha. However, I would have to agree with BuckeyeFanatic25, I don’t know how many people would use this because the majority of people do listen to music using different ways.
posted by: jess1ca · 6/6/08
So does this mean that on a Blu-ray Audio Disc, I can stored more music on a single disc, most blink CD’s only allow you to store no more than 20, so this is great 50GB of space to put your music that’s hours of listening without changing you CD’s but now don’t you need a Blu-Ray audio-player in your car?
posted by: 34skyline · 6/6/08
Congratulations to Norway on being first to release this type of disc! I don’t see a good purpose for an audio disc. All I want to do with audio is listen it on my MP3 Player, not listen it on TV or play it on a CD Player. It seems better to put audio on an MP3 Player and purchase a speaker and play it through that rather than purchasing Audio CDs these days. With a price of $20 for one Audio CD I think this is not a good price for listening to music. You can easily fit a lot more, perhaps not blue ray (but we really do not need blue ray for AUDIO) on a cheap MP3 player.
posted by: SG · 6/6/08
A bluray Audio !!! A High Definition Audio !!!
Are these people kidding!!
I mean what will be the buffering rate of “HD Audio file” a 2 MB/s !!!!!
I listen very purely to the audio if it was 128kb/s or even 256kb/s, I don’t why someone will look for “HD audio” will his ears feel the difference!!!
posted by: Elagizy · 6/7/08
Now i need to spen money on a Blu-ray cd player lol
posted by: ClintWestwood · 6/8/08
Pretty good disc. It’ll be great for burning songs with Nero software too. 😛
69 minutes seems less to me.Bluray could easily hold over hours of music.
Still i believe its a start,stuff like music compilation works will definitely get a boost with bluray.
This would go nice with HDX considering,it has a bluray player.
posted by: DOOOMKULTUS · 6/6/08
How many people are going to want to buy Blu-ray discs for music though? People buy CDs so they can listen to them in their stereo systems and their cars, their portable CD players, etc but here you would be confined to only your blu-ray player…
posted by: BuckeyeFanatic25 · 6/6/08
Well if there are going to be 20 albums put in formats suppporting all of 2.0 LPCM, 5.1 LPCM, 5.1 DTS HD Master Audio, 5.1 Dolby True HD, 5.1 Dolby Digital,cd and cd player can’t do much.
posted by: DOOOMKULTUS · 6/6/08
I think they needto come down on their prices of blu-ray.
posted by: littlebull · 6/6/08
Don’t think I’d buy it for that limited amount of audio. For bluray, I think audio is important, but secondary to video. Besides that isn’t a bluray player backwards compatible anyway? How many bits do you need to hear quality audio? I smell marketing droids.
posted by: Ibdabloke · 6/6/08
Seems like a waste to put audio only on a blu-ray disk. You’d think they would be able to put about every song ever recorded by the music industry on it.
posted by: artwdog · 6/6/08
That’s not a bad price though and give some applause to Norway, haha. However, I would have to agree with BuckeyeFanatic25, I don’t know how many people would use this because the majority of people do listen to music using different ways.
posted by: jess1ca · 6/6/08
So does this mean that on a Blu-ray Audio Disc, I can stored more music on a single disc, most blink CD’s only allow you to store no more than 20, so this is great 50GB of space to put your music that’s hours of listening without changing you CD’s but now don’t you need a Blu-Ray audio-player in your car?
posted by: 34skyline · 6/6/08
Congratulations to Norway on being first to release this type of disc! I don’t see a good purpose for an audio disc. All I want to do with audio is listen it on my MP3 Player, not listen it on TV or play it on a CD Player. It seems better to put audio on an MP3 Player and purchase a speaker and play it through that rather than purchasing Audio CDs these days. With a price of $20 for one Audio CD I think this is not a good price for listening to music. You can easily fit a lot more, perhaps not blue ray (but we really do not need blue ray for AUDIO) on a cheap MP3 player.
posted by: SG · 6/6/08
A bluray Audio !!! A High Definition Audio !!!
Are these people kidding!!
I mean what will be the buffering rate of “HD Audio file” a 2 MB/s !!!!!
I listen very purely to the audio if it was 128kb/s or even 256kb/s, I don’t why someone will look for “HD audio” will his ears feel the difference!!!
posted by: Elagizy · 6/7/08
Now i need to spen money on a Blu-ray cd player lol
posted by: ClintWestwood · 6/8/08
Pretty good disc. It’ll be great for burning songs with Nero software too. 😛
posted by: Shady Freak · 6/8/08