wow the future really does look bright.
maybe one day in the near future me and my will watch football while enjoying a bottle of space beer on mars
posted by: ninxx · 5/31/08
Space beer, what will they think of next? It would be great if we could use another planet such as Mars as a storage place for earth. Imagen about getting rid of our toxic and putting it on a planet with no life. Imagen how much better our environment will be!
posted by: Gareth · 5/31/08
Now beer makes its debut in space. You’d think they’d figure out how to make oxygen atmospheres on other planets so it’s habitat-friendly, but no. Teh beer ish moore impOrtaNt.
posted by: SkyFuser · 5/31/08
Well space makes you “lite headed” so this beer will make you SUPA SUPA crazy MON.
posted by: Dontknow · 5/31/08
Thanks 4 the information Sheila.
posted by: sushrukh · 6/1/08
I highly doubt they could do anything to beer to make it taste any less terrible. A good 12+ year old single malt Scotch is the way to go.
posted by: Doug · 6/1/08
All we need now is a a tap on the iss and its party time all over the world. But be quick, cause the iss travels around earth in about 90 minutes.
posted by: artwdog · 6/4/08
Well, I can see the ISS missions have been a smashing success! Don’t we have more pressing issues to solve than making a “space beer”? Well, regardless though it is still an interesting read—thanks for posting it.
posted by: BuckeyeFanatic25 · 6/4/08
I dont know what good this is doing anything or anyone. i myself dont drink, does have a funny name to it though, space beer, wonder if you drink this if you feel like your in space.
posted by: littlebull · 6/6/08
lol @buckeye
this certainly seem like a strange topic to be worrying about when there are so many more pressing issues
all the same being able to do this in space is somewhat of a break through i guess
wow the future really does look bright.
maybe one day in the near future me and my will watch football while enjoying a bottle of space beer on mars
posted by: ninxx · 5/31/08
Space beer, what will they think of next? It would be great if we could use another planet such as Mars as a storage place for earth. Imagen about getting rid of our toxic and putting it on a planet with no life. Imagen how much better our environment will be!
posted by: Gareth · 5/31/08
Now beer makes its debut in space. You’d think they’d figure out how to make oxygen atmospheres on other planets so it’s habitat-friendly, but no. Teh beer ish moore impOrtaNt.
posted by: SkyFuser · 5/31/08
Well space makes you “lite headed” so this beer will make you SUPA SUPA crazy MON.
posted by: Dontknow · 5/31/08
Thanks 4 the information Sheila.
posted by: sushrukh · 6/1/08
I highly doubt they could do anything to beer to make it taste any less terrible. A good 12+ year old single malt Scotch is the way to go.
posted by: Doug · 6/1/08
All we need now is a a tap on the iss and its party time all over the world. But be quick, cause the iss travels around earth in about 90 minutes.
posted by: artwdog · 6/4/08
Well, I can see the ISS missions have been a smashing success! Don’t we have more pressing issues to solve than making a “space beer”? Well, regardless though it is still an interesting read—thanks for posting it.
posted by: BuckeyeFanatic25 · 6/4/08
I dont know what good this is doing anything or anyone. i myself dont drink, does have a funny name to it though, space beer, wonder if you drink this if you feel like your in space.
posted by: littlebull · 6/6/08
lol @buckeye
this certainly seem like a strange topic to be worrying about when there are so many more pressing issues
all the same being able to do this in space is somewhat of a break through i guess
posted by: sharkhead7854 · 6/6/08