You don’t have to live in Philly. I work for a smallcity in Virginia, and we’re gearing up for the same sort of thing. We’re creating a three-tiered network: one tier for public safety, including secured access to police/fire/rescue resources; one tier for city intranet access including such prosaic things as meter-reading and GIS; and a third tier for public access to the internet, which we’ll probably send out at low cost. We’re a city of only about 10,000 souls, but we’re out to prove that you don’t have to live in the big metropoli to have a great quality of life and access to the cool. Up the revolution 😊
You don’t have to live in Philly. I work for a smallcity in Virginia, and we’re gearing up for the same sort of thing. We’re creating a three-tiered network: one tier for public safety, including secured access to police/fire/rescue resources; one tier for city intranet access including such prosaic things as meter-reading and GIS; and a third tier for public access to the internet, which we’ll probably send out at low cost. We’re a city of only about 10,000 souls, but we’re out to prove that you don’t have to live in the big metropoli to have a great quality of life and access to the cool. Up the revolution 😊
posted by: seachnasaigh · 12/8/04