Gallery: iPhone 1.1.3 Firmware Preview
iPhone 1.1.3 Firmware: About Screen

Here you go - the about screen showing the iPhone firmware we are running. Yes - we used Photoshop so that we could lighten the image as it was dark. Yes, I am purposefully covering my serial number, as well as the build version of the firmware. Not trying to get anyone in trouble!
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what for a cool message. 😊
could do you share your baseband and bootloader FW with us as well.
THX Torogo from Swiss…..
posted by: torogo · 12/31/07
posted by: aaquib · 12/31/07
Why does your cell phone show AT&T;for the career’s name while you proposed that the updated phone had Nate as the personalized name of the career? This seems fake
posted by: ashton · 12/31/07
Why would they post fake pictures? If they were to post fake pictures then people would not come back to their website. Especially with the new firmware 1.1.3 update coming out in a little more then a month.
posted by: Kepeli · 1/1/08
Thanks man
but the ppl wanted the “about” to see the baseband version
posted by: TatesMan · 1/1/08
You can use photoshop to erase the serial number ...LOL, but give us the BB number pls
posted by: Smart · 1/1/08
Why would they use Photoshop when they could have gone into their jailbroken iPod with SSH and changed the SystemVersion.plist file so that it reads 1.1.3? That’d be a helluva lot easier (and cleaner.)
That said, I don’t think it was Photoshopped nor edited, nor do I think this is a fake. I’m just pointing out the idiocy of some of the skeptics.
Kudos on the scoop, GearLive!
posted by: Josh · 1/1/08
Hey I was wondering if you could give me the number next to the version number. You know the one that starts out 4A or w/e
posted by: Tyler · 1/1/08
hi Andru,
still there, or just deliver some more useless rumors. Prove your statement to the community or keep silence…
posted by: torogo · 1/1/08
These new features sound nice. Especially the google map pinpoint and the multi-SMS function. But there are still some features I really miss - especially a search funktion for adressbook and calendar. And a flash-plugin for the browser.
posted by: Matthias · 1/3/08
do you guys have multiple iphones running 1.1.3 because in the video instead of at&t;it said nate but here is says AT&T;
posted by: Shon · 1/4/08
I purchased my iphone about a month ago and it has the 1.1.2 firmware. What can i do so that i can install 3rd party apps? also is their something that will make it support different video files?
posted by: brock bowen · 1/5/08
Good. Thanks. 😉
posted by: Meissner · 1/6/08
I have a OTB iphone with firmware 1.1.2.
I jailbroke and unlocked it. I tried to upgrade to jailbroken 1.1.3 using the ibricker, after downloading the files to my phone and going to
installer ,I found a file named openSSH in recently added packages.I tried to install that but
it gave me notice saying my first login will take 30 seconds as keys are bing generated.then after few seconds the phone goes to the categories homepage and nothing happensand when I go to uninstall tab I see the file OpenSSH.I gave all the detail so if you could please tell what I’m doing wrong.
posted by: ali · 2/4/08
cool options
posted by: acid2k1 · 6/3/08
great information thanks for you share me.
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posted by: cv · 11/8/15
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posted by: mobilerdx · 12/18/16