Gear Live Holiday Bash
VellVett performing at the 2014 Gear Live Holiday Bash
The GeekWire crew give their holiday picks
Seattle Seahawks Blitz with Andru Edwards
GeekWire’s John Cook and Taylor Soper with Andru Edwards
2014 Gear Live Holiday Bash
AT&T at the Gear Live Holiday Bash
2014 Gear Live Holiday Bash
Andru and Taylor welcome the crowd
Jess Estrada
Monster Adidas headphones and Sonos prizes!
Andru Edwards rocks the mic
Drew Morrison wins a gift!
The Coterie Room
“Kid Sensation” Xola Malik and Andru Edwards
“Kid Sensation” Xola Malik performs
Tyler Pruitt & Christian Nossum show off their prizes
2014 Gear Live Holiday Bash
VellVett performs for the crowd
The AT&T Crew! Thanks for Sponsoring!
Blitz the Seahawk and Drew Morrison
Jess Estrada & Andru Edwards talk fashion gifts
Brett Greene & Andru Edwards talk holiday gifts
Red Russak
2014 Gear Live Holiday Bash
AT&T’s holiday lineup
Gadgets at the AT&T booth
Another prize winner!
Taylor Soper
VellVett, Xola Malik, Andru Edwards, Taylor Edwards
Blitz the Seahawk steals the raffle tickets
VellVett rocks the Monster gear
“Kid Sensation” Xola Malik with Monster Superstar