- Italian Car Maker Develops Wiper-Free Windshield
- NYTE Shows Patterns of Communication Through Art
- SOTAB Assists in Oil Spills
- Morph: Future of Technology?
- MoMA Features Online Exhibit
- Robotically posessed hunting trophies
- Kinetic Phone Powers Itself
- WolframTones Make Mathematical Music
- Limit TV Time and Kids Lose Weight
- OSP Robots Clean Up Oil Spills
- Robot Gymnast is Super-Coordinated
- Goggles Remember for You
- Boomerang to Launch With Endeavor
- See Bugs Better With Improved EyeClops
- Dextre Goes Into Space
- Bar Owner Builds Robocop
- Griffon Barely Took Off
- ReadyBot Does Dishes
- Alien Abduction Lamp to go into production
- Dextre Gets a Bumpy Ride
- MiBody Features More than Weight
- Phone Braver Monitors Your Calls
- Speak Without Sound with TheAudeo
- BigDog Balances in any Terrain
- MindMentor Solves Problems Virtually
- Boomerang Comes Back in Space
- ApriPoko Learns and Responds
- Xcor Lynx to Take Commoners to Space
- DIY Drum Machine
- Join Earth Hour To Save Energy
- Mr. Roboto Becomes Watch
- Contact Lens is Almost Bionic
- Virgle Fool’s Day
- Military Uses Wii With Packbot
- Pregnancy Kit Gets USB Treatment
- Cell Phone May Be Health Risk to Your Brain
- Nexi Wants to Teach
- Lamp Relieves SAD
- NASA Plans Moon Voyages with Robonaut
- Gender Genie Algorithms Detect Author’s Sex?
- Eurovia Pavement Varnish Warns of Ice
- Hubble Tracks Black Holes on the Internet
- Push-kun Entertaining Bot
- Do Something This Earth Day
- Enter RoboGames This Year
- s’Baggers Automated Restaurant
- PETA Offers A Million for Lab-Grown Meat
- Asimo is Coming to Town!
- Why is Saving the Planet Suddenly In?
- Safe Kiss Breath Checker
- Robot American Football
- Portable Handheld Scanner Sends Images Back to Cell Phone
- RoboCup Rescuers Work through Mazes
- Israeli Guardium, 4-Wheeled Robotic Soldier
- Send Your Name to the Moon
- Flogos Take Off
- JAXA/NHK Cam Captures Moon Video
- Spider Named After Neil Young
- HandTalk, Phone for the Hearing-Impaired
- ASIMO Leads the DSO
- Edd Hifeng Takes on Second Life
- Geostate Trackable Golf Balls
- Robotic Tynamizer Mows Lawn
- Improvements Timex Rain Gauge System
- Will Color-Calibration Targets Prove Life on Mars?
- Sapparo Space Beer
- Monkeys Control Robotics With Brain Waves
- DIY Light Bulb Greenhouse
- SnoMotes Don’t Mind the Cold
- Top ten gadgets meant to enter your body
- WowWee Tribot
- MIT Created Nanowire Membranes Clean up Oil
- Flame Walks Like a Human
- John LeSieur Zac Browser for Autistic Kids
- Junyi Pet Plant
- Talking GPS Teddy Bear
- Xeros Washing Machine Needs Only 1 Cup Water
- Milano Electronic Cigarette
- Ran’s Night Monitors Woman’s Cycle
- d.light Lamps are Inexpensive Alternatives
- Designer Dog Washer Needs No Shampoo
- Philips HeartStart Home Automated External Defibrillator
- Samsung’s Corny Cell Phones W510 and F268
- Doggy IQ Test
- Is There Ice on Mars?
- GZ PC-Sport Exercise Machine
- Electronic Cigarette
- MIT Makes Inexpensive Solar Dish
- Interaction Wall-E
- Blue Star Banner Plasma Globe
- NHTSA Tests Illusional Speed Bumps
- Scientists Believe Mars May Sustain Veggies
- Robotic Foosball Table
- Aguavac Tea Towel
- NASA Announces End Date of Space Shuttle
- iShoe Detects Balance
- Bio.Genica Genpets
- Scientists Demystify Northern Lights
- Galactic White Knight Mothership and Spacecrafts
- Martin Jetpack Takes Off, Barely
Gallery: Science
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