Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel - Quick Review and Coincidence
DC Comics Review: Detective Comics #850
DC Comics Review: Batman: Cacophony #1
Review of Cartoon Network’s Batman: The Brave and the Bold
DC Comics Review: Batman Confidential #23
Review of 2nd Star Trek movie trailer
DC Comics Review: The Flash #246
DC Comics Review: Justice Society of America Kingdom Come Special: Magog
DC Comics Review: Batman #681
Batman and Robin: Opposing Viewpoints (Part One)
Batman and Robin: Opposing Viewpoints (Part Two)
DC Comics Review: Batman #682
Not so Secret Invasion
DC Comics Review: Detective Comics #851
Here’s A Quick Guide To Start Reading Comics
DC Comics Review: Batman: Confidential #24
“Final Crisis” Management
Dark Reign
Punisher: War Zone - Movie Review
My Wednesday Reading List
Reviewing and Betting on Dark Reign
Wood is Broadway’s Mary Jane
“Civil War” Comes to Heroes in 2009
Comics Review: Batgirl 6
Shiga Books: Free Online Comic Books
Review- Amazing Spider-Man 581
DC Comics Review: Batman #683
The Joeys - Year End Comic Book Awards
Graphic Novel Pick: “Caliber - First Canon Of Justice”
DC Comics Review: Flash #247
The World According to Todd: Best of 2008
DC Comics Review: Justice Society of America #22
American Elf Volume 3
Review: Incognito
Review: Ultimate Hulk Annual
DC Comics Review: Batman #684
DC Comics Review: Detective Comics #852
John Scalzi Vs. The Superheroes
The Boys 26 Review
Review- The Umbrella Academy
President-elect Obama To Team-Up With Spider-man
DC Comics Review: Final Crisis #6
DC Comics Review: Batman: Confidential #25
WEEKEND READING: Todd Klein, Carl Potts, Dave Olbrich, Gerard Jones and Tom Richmond
Yo Joe
Marvel Comics Review: Dark Avengers #1
Television Review: LOST 1/21/09
IDW Review: Star Trek: Countdown #1
Superman Beyond
Thunderbolts 128: A Great Moment in Comics History
DC Comics Review: Final Crisis #7
LOST Review 1/28/09
DC Comics Review: Batman #685
The Joel Take - Final Crisis 7
Random Thoughts - 1.30.09
Final Crisis 7- My Take
Tuesday Preview - 2.3.09
LOST Review 2/4/09
Cool Web Sites: Toonlet
Review: Invincible Iron Man 10
Random Thoughts - 2.5.09
DC Comics Review: Adventure Comics #0
The Future Of Comics: Infinite Canvas
LOST Review 2/11/09
FORGOTTEN COMICS: Jack Kirby & Steve Ditko & Kyle Baker
SNEAK PEAK: Craig Yoe & Joe Shuster & Stan Lee
DC Comic Review: Batman #686
DC Comics Review: Batman Confidential #26
LOST Review 2/18/09
ANTIQUES: J.C. Vaughn, Brendon Fraim & Brian Fraim
LOST Review 2/25/09
LOST Review 3/4/09
Watchmen Review
DC Comics Review: Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1
DC Comics Review: Batman: Confidential #27
LOST Review 3/18/09
LOST Review 3/25/09
THE INCREDIBLES: Family Matters #1: Mark Waid & Boom Kids’ Incredible Job
LOST Review 4/1/09
DC Comics Review: The Flash Rebirth #1
WEEKEND READING: Alan Moore, Gotham By Gaslight, Jim Mooney, Ted Rall
DC Comics Review: Batman: Battle for the Cowl #2
LOST Review 4/8/09
Marvel Comics Review: Wolverine: Weapon X #1
DC Comics Review: Batman: Confidential #28
LOST Review 4/15/09
DC Comics Review: Detective Comics #853
DC Comics Review: Battle for the Cowl: Arkham Asylum
The Return of the Phoenix
LOST Review 4/29/09
WEEKEND READING: Green Lama, MAD Magazine, Dollhouse, and Blazing Combat!
X-Men Origins: Wolverine Review
PITSTOP: Green Valley Book Fair, Mt. Crawford, VA
LOST Review 5/6/09
DC Comics Review: The Flash: Rebirth #2
STAR TREK: J.J. Abrams, Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and John Cho Make It So!