I use Wordpress on my blog, because its open source and free, and supports multiple users (although i’m the only user of my blog). I’ve read that a lot of people who are dissatisfied with MT move to WP, because WP has many of the same features that MT users enjoy.
I’m interested in knowing if anybody else uses anything different than Word Press. Or if anyone uses any type of windows apps to publish to their blog.
Well, just to let you guys know, the people that created Expression Engine, made pMachine Pro free now. Go to their site and read about it. I think it’s cool, since pMachine Pro is so much better than their free version.
I still use wordpress, i find it to be extremely cool and there are a lot of plugins for it. I just installed a statistics plugin, which tracks which posts are getting read the most!
[quote author=“EricGearLive”]I still use wordpress, i find it to be extremely cool and there are a lot of plugins for it. I just installed a statistics plugin, which tracks which posts are getting read the most!
I had trouble getting wordpress to work with my website template, so I wound up using blogger.com lol
What’s the difference between all these different “software”? All that I can see that’s different is the backend interface. Even then, you can just use a 3rd party WYSIWYG software and then all of them do pretty much the same. I’m sure I’m missing something. Anyone care to clarify this? :? I’m sure there has to be a reason why some of these services you have to pay for, yet there’s WordPress that’s free and others that are also free. :think:
The backend is precisely what people want. Sure, the end user sees the same thing no matter what (usually), but the main importance is what you can do on the backend.
[quote author=“EricGearLive”]The backend is precisely what people want. Sure, the end user sees the same thing no matter what (usually), but the main importance is what you can do on the backend.
Well that’s what I’m refering to. Just the interface is different? Ecto has very awesome features that allow you to make very nice posts.