How come unlocked phones go for so cheap on ebay???
Posted: 07 December 2004 07:27 PM     [ Ignore ]  
Might As Well Be A Mod
Total Posts:  13525
Joined  2005-03-07

I was looking at freephones site and i noticed every phone there goes for super cheap on ebay unlocked. Like the 5 referall phones new sell for 175$ canadian. 140 US, and the 8 referall sells for 350$ canadian. Any reason to why cell phones drop price.

Posted: 08 December 2004 02:37 AM   [ # 1 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]  
Board Mentor
Total Posts:  3596
Joined  2004-12-22

well, I dont know what phones they offer on that site, but the unloocked phones I usually look for on ebay are pretty expensive.

Posted: 10 December 2004 06:58 PM   [ # 2 ]     [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]  
Might As Well Be A Mod
Total Posts:  13525
Joined  2005-03-07

they have like the Sony Ericsson K700I for 8 rerferalls. umm look at the catalog.
